Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Annie Liebovitz Portraits

Annie Liebovitz has shot many portraits for celebrities, as stated before she is able to capture an emotion/s well. Celebritity portraits include: Michael Jackson, Lenon and Ono, John Mayer, The White Stripes, The Queen, Lady Gaga, Leonardo Dicaprio, Miley Cyrus, Angelina Jolie and Many more


Annie Liebovitz: Capturing the mood

Annie Liebovitz can successfully catpture the mood in photograhps. I like these photo's Annie Leibovitz shot for Vogue. I like the quirkiness of Alice in Wonderland and the compositions within each shot. I also like the spin on the characters and the high contrast.

In general i like photos with interesting compositions and lighting.. i like quirkiness in a photo or something that tells a story because it keeps you looking at it and wondering about it. I think a photograph is successful if it can keep you looking at it for longer than normal or if it can make you wonder about what's occuring in the photograph....